According to an e -mail obtained by Times, one of the leaders of the committee, Sharon Wiley, a supporter of the industry, has shared the draft of the bill with cannabis lobbyists. “Thank you for accepting a compromised approach,” she wrote.
In an interview, Mr. Wiley said that the potential harm of cannabis was “not yet concluded,” and that regulated businesses have earned income.
Davis has not given up. She plans to prohibit more than 35 % of THC this month and submit a bill to provide exceptions to another committee.
“The industry needs restrictions,” she says.
The New York Times investigated sales data from October 2023 to September 2024 for two data companies in the cannabis industry, from October 2023 to September 2024. Due to the slight difference in the ranking of the two companies, the Times was examined for all brands in the top 20 lists of the two companies -24 brands.
Next, the reporters found the page of each brand on Weedmaps if available. Four companies were excluded. The reason is that it does not exist in Weedmaps, there is no specific explanation on the list, and there are very few products listed.
In November 2024, the Times downloaded the entire Weedmaps product catalog for the remaining 20 brands. This dataset contains about 18,000 products. Times identified dozens of medical and health -related keywords included in the description. Regarding each brand, reporters confirmed that the keywords are being used to suggest that the product may be useful for the treatment of certain health problems.
After seeking a comment from the brand, the Times re -investigated the description of all products in the initial analysis and identified whether the health -related words have been deleted.
The list of Weedmaps does not necessarily include all products sold in specific brands, and may reflect some products that are not currently sold widely.
Times papers focused on individual cannabis stock guides and performed another analysis on the Health Emphasis on the STIIZY website. Each guide contained the flavor of the bacteria, the effect of the claim, and the “help” symptoms. Times paper identified 82 of these guides in December and January in December and January, and extracted the conditions listed to each.
Carson Kesler Contributed to the report, Julie Tate Contributed to the research.