On Monday, the Washington Police Union cut off President Trump's amnesty when he left a runaway who attacked more than 150 officers on January 6, 2021. A person who was convicted in connection with the death of a young black man.
This week's amnesty gust, Trump sent a contradictory message to the police. He indicated that even when prosecutors and Ry were saying they had gone too much, they would support them in many situations. However, his decision seemed to focus on “backing blue” rather than whether the blue people supported him.
Mr. Trump clarified this when he wiped the defendant's record on January 6 and wiped out the power of cleaning up on January 6, including those who used stun guns and chemical sprays. One day later, he tracked Karon Hilton Brown, a 20 -year -old black man in 2020, to support police officers after being convicted and convicted. Immediately to issue tolerance. Police led to protests of the country capital.
To some extent, one decision punch was a typical politics. Mr. Trump's pardon was anger at the constituency he praised, and he intended to soothe the police. However, on January 6, the president had seen the President's locked board with a white police officer, mainly with the White Ton Brown.
David L. Schultz, a lawyer of Holton Brown's family, said he believed that the race had played a role in amnesty.
Amalton Brown's 4 -year -old daughter's mother, Amala Jones Bay, said that Trump's decision on amnesty was confused. “You forgot the people who harm your police officers, but now they all allow the police officers who hurt the citizens,” she said.
On Wednesday, this was not the first time Trump has supported a military or law enforcement officer who was accused of breaking the law. During his first term, he was convicted of a war crime in Iraq and Afghanistan, or was granted to the US military officer.
Through his employment, Trump also used his amnesty power to benefit his friends and allies as well as what other presidents did.
However, it has never been more clear or impulse as a broader impulse than when he was forgiven to nearly 1,600 people arrested in connection with the attack on January 6. Many of the riots used the United States as a hat again, and at one point they even defeated the American flag flying in the parliamentary hall to replace it with the trump flag -their loyalty. Was not a nation, but in humans.
Police unions have approved his campaign, but is another support for Mr. Trump, including the police order of the National Brothers who accused the storm on January 6.
However, despite the pardon on January 6, the Washington Police Association continued to advocate Terrence Suton and Colonel Andrew Zavabski at the Metropolitan Police Station, who was convicted of Hilton Brown's case. I did it. The union claimed that the man was a victim of an eager prosecutor who performed criminal acts that could have been dealt with in training.
When he announced that he was planning to issue a tolerance in the incident, Trump broke the facts and accused American citizens, Harton Brown, “illegal.”
“It's just showing who has power here in the United States,” said Jones Bay. “If he thinks he is an illegal citizen, where does he get information? He is actually paying attention?”
In the unacceptable pursuit, Sutton was sentenced to five years of penalty for the second murder and justice. Zavabsky was sentenced to four years of penalties for colluding with Satton to conceal the deadly police tracking. They were free to hold the results of their appeal.
The Washington Police Association praised Trump by praising the “unusual correction”, although it was called “fraud” and celebrated the generousness.
Former Seattle's former police chief and the other three other cities, Gil Kerrikouke, tried to recover his relationship with the police after the pardon on January 6th, after the forgiveness of two DC police officers. He said he believed.
However, he said that the decision to forgive the riot on January 6 was remembered in the law enforcement community.
“They say it's all of the past,” said Kerrikosuke. “All videos are obviously not the past. You can relive this.”
Daniel Hodgis, who defended the parliament on January 6, 2021, said that Satton and Zavabski agreed to Trump's amnesty. However, he warned that Trump was regarded as a friend of the law execution organization.
“He is not really a police friend,” he said. “He is a friend of the people who flatten him.”
Hodges said frankly about the exhibition of racism on January 6, and at the time it was famous that it was “joy to crush the white ethnic rebellion.”
Four years later, Mr. Trump returned to Washington's victory, and Hodgis was assigned to protect the president and take office.
“It's a vote of people,” he said about Trump's inauguration ceremony. “So it's my job to confirm that it occurs peacefully and safely. My personal feelings do not intend to affect my work playing methods.”